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What is Male Sexual Dysfunction?

Male sexual dysfunction refers to any difficulty/problem with the normal sexual function in a man which prevents him (or the couple) from experiencing sexual satisfaction. Amongst males, the prevalence of sexual dysfunction ranges from 10% to 50% (average 30%).

The problem can be associated with any of the three major components of male sexual function namely libido, erection and ejaculation :

Libido :

The sexual urge/desire may be reduced or absent altogether. This can present as lack of interest in sex, absent/reduced sexual thoughts, and poor response to erotic stimuli.

Erection :

A problem in getting an erection or maintaining it sufficiently for sexual intercourse (at least 25% of times) is termed as erectile dysfunction (impotence). An occasional inability to maintain an erection is common and is a normal phenomenon. However, if this tends to persist, treatment must be sought. There can be many causes for erectile dysfunction (impotence) and it needs careful evaluation. Click here to read more.

Ejaculation and orgasm :

Problems with ejaculation include premature ejaculation (which occurs sooner than desired by the man or his partner), retarded / inhibited ejaculation (when ejaculation is slow to occur) or retrograde ejaculation (wherein the semen is ejaculated backwards into the urinary bladder).

Some major components of Male Sexual Dysfunction : Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (impotence) can be described as a problem in getting an erection or maintaining it sufficiently for sexual intercourse at least 25% of times. It is normal to face problems with erection occasionally but if this persists, it calls for prompt treatment. It tends to become common as a man ages; however this is caused due to other health problems that creep up with advancing age and not due to the age itself. Sometimes, erectile dysfunction (impotence) may well be an indication of some other underlying health problem such as clogged blood vessels or nerve damage due to diabetes.

Enumerated here are some of the common causes of erectile dysfunction (impotence) :

Premature Ejaculation

The incidence of ejaculation disorders in men stands at around 30% globally and males below 40 years of age are mostly affected. Ejaculation disorders can be classified as follows:

Inhibited or retarded ejaculation:

When ejaculation is slow to occur or delayed, it's termed as inhibited / retarded ejaculation. Psychological factors play an important role in retarded ejaculation.

Retrograde ejaculation:

When the ejaculate goes backwards into the urinary bladder instead of being expelled out through the outer end of the penis, it's termed as retrograde ejaculation. Surgery on the bladder neck or prostate, diabetes, etc. can be the cause for this.

Premature ejaculation:

This is the commonest of ejaculation disorders and refers to ejaculation that occurs before or soon after penetration. There is nothing like a time-limit to classify the time of ejaculation as this may vary from case to case. However, if ejaculation occurs before the person (or his partner) wishes i.e. prematurely, it may leave the couple feeling dissatisfied. This may occur before vaginal penetration or at a point just after penetration. Premature ejaculation tends to be common in young males due to hyperexcitability and often due to excess stimulation. It generally improves with the adoption of certain corrective measures combined with the right kind of treatment.

Listed here are some of the causes of premature ejaculation:

Homeopathic Treatment (Healing safely, gently and surely!)

Homeopathy can provide significant relief to patients suffering from male sexual dysfunction. The medicines target the underlying cause of the dysfunction and provide effective relief from the same. At Dr. Sushil's, we have been treating patients with erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and other male sexual dysfunctions for 35 years now and have had good response in most cases.

Homeopathy works especially well in those cases where the cause of sexual dysfunction is psychological such as depression, stress or anxiety of performance. In cases where nerve damage (due to surgical causes) has resulted in erectile dysfunction (impotence) or ejaculation problems, Homeopathy can help to improve the nerve functions over a period of time. Dysfunction resulting from surgical causes (such as Peyronie's disease) may not respond too well to treatment. As far as drug-induced causes are concerned, the physician may suggest alternative medications that may not have an adverse effect on the person's sexual functions. Lastly, constitutional homeopathic treatment can also help in tackling systemic causes of sexual dysfunction such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, hormonal problems, etc.

Conventional treatment of erectile dysfunction includes drugs like Sildenafil Citrate (famous by the brand name Viagra), Vacuum Constriction Device, Penile Injection Therapy and surgery. Too much attention has been drawn to Viagra by the media notwithstanding the potentially dangerous side-effects of this drug. Viagra enables erection (in the presence of sexual stimulation) within an hour of administration but can lead to some serious side-effects such as impaired vision, hypotension, stroke, increased intraocular pressure, mental confusion, dizziness, headaches and sudden hearing loss. It can be very dangerous especially for men who are suffering from cardiovascular diseases. The conventional medication for premature ejaculation such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), desensitizing creams, etc. also tend to provide only temporary relief but not lasting solution.

Homeopathy, on the other hand, effectively deals with the root cause of the disorder and provides lasting solutions. In addition, certain changes in the lifestyle can go a step further and relieve the patient of his problems successfully without opting for any make-shift treatment. It is strongly suggested that patients suffering from erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation or other sexual dysfunctions seek homeopathy early on to experience the benefits of this science to the fullest.

What is Female Sexual Dysfunction?

Any problem that keeps a woman from experiencing sexual pleasure can be included in the umbrella term 'female sexual dysfunction'. Thus, female sexual dysfunction includes any of the complaints ranging from lack of sexual desire to absence of orgasm and anything in between. It is not uncommon for women to experience painful sexual intercourse (dyspareunia) but this again is one of the problems that go unreported. Women who suffer from persistent or recurrent problems associated with normal sexual function can experience significant mental distress and they are termed to be suffering from "female sexual dysfunction".

Female sexual disorders are not only a source of stress for women but also a major cause for marital discord and strained relationships between partners. The problems that keep a woman from enjoying sex can occur at any level of a normal sexual response and can present as one or more of the following:

Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD) / Inhibited Sexual Desire (ISD):

The woman does not have adequate or any desire for a sexual activity in this case.

Inability to become aroused / Female Sexual Arousal Disorder (FSAD):

In this case, there may be a desire for sexual activity but the woman cannot be aroused sufficiently.

Difficulty with orgasm / Female Orgasmic Disorder (FOD):

One of the commonest of female sexual disorders, the woman does not reach orgasm / climax during sexual intercourse in this case.

Painful intercourse / Dyspareunia :

A large number of women experience pain during sexual intercourse at some point of their lives making this a highly common disorder.

Some major reasons for Female Sexual Dysfunction : Inability to become aroused

Women suffering from Female Sexual Arousal Disorder repetitively face difficulty in getting aroused or maintaining the arousal sufficiently for sexual intercourse to occur. Inability to become aroused does not mean that the woman has no desire for sex – it simply means that even though the desire is present, the necessary physiological changes in the body (such as vaginal lubrication, increased blood flow to the labia, clitoris and vagina) do not occur.

Almost 20% of all women suffer from a difficulty in getting aroused. Due to this reason, the intercourse is often unsatisfactory or even painful. In the long run, lack of arousal can lead to avoidance of sexual intimacy and thus result in tension and discord. Various reasons can lead to lack of sexual arousal in women:

Difficulty with Orgasm

Women suffering from female orgasmic disorder do get aroused and experience sufficient lubrication; however, they face difficulty in reaching climax and may not get an orgasm at all. This can get very frustrating for the patient and may lead to problems in the relationship. It is well worth mentioning here that in contrast to men, women can have multiple orgasms in a short period and these may vary in intensity and duration from case to case as well in the same woman from one time to another. Female Orgasmic Disorder is classified as:


In this case, the woman has never had an orgasm - neither by self-stimulation (masturbation), nor by direct stimulation of the clitoris, nor through vaginal intercourse.


Here the woman has had orgasms in the past but has lost the ability due to any of the causes mentioned below:

Lack of Sexual Desire

In this case, the woman’s desire for sexual activity / libido is abnormally low or absent altogether. Women who suffer from inhibited sexual desire may even have a deficiency or a complete absence of sexual fantasies and erotic thoughts. Some of the common causes of lack of sexual desire in women are:

Painful Intercourse/ Dyspareunia

Dyspareunia or painful intercourse is described as persistent or recurrent pain associated with sexual contact. The pain may occur before, during or after intercourse and can lead to significant distress. An estimated 60% of all women suffer from painful intercourse at various times. This is one of those conditions whose incidence decreases as the woman gets older and more experienced. Common causes of dyspareunia (painful intercourse) include:


Vaginal infections like yeast infection, trichomoniasis, genital herpes are the commonest culprits.

Vaginal irritation:

Use of contraceptive foams, creams, jellies, condoms, diaphragms, etc, tend to irritate the sensitive vaginal mucosa leading to pain.

Dryness of vagina:

If penetration is attempted before sufficient lubrication occurs, the friction may lead to pain. Vaginal dryness can also be caused due to anxiety, menopause, etc.


The woman experiences strong involuntary spasms of the vaginal muscles during sexual intercourse. It is a reflex state that occurs due to anxiety in most cases. Occasionally, the woman may be suffering from a less severe state of vaginal tightness that occurs at certain times only.

Chronic Pelvic Pain:

Diseases like ovarian cysts, uterine fibroid / tumors, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory diseases can lead to pain when there is deep, thrusting penetration. Even at other times, there can be a constant nagging pain that is felt in the pelvic region.


A chronic condition that presents as unexplained sharp or burning pain in vagina and vulva.

Pain in the clitoris:

The clitoris being one of the most sensitive areas, is prone to develop pain.

Psychological causes:

Anxiety due to painful intercourse in the past, sexual abuse in the past, depression, stress, guilt, lack of attraction for partner, fear of pregnancy, etc.

Homeopathic Treatment (Healing safely, gently and surely!)

Homeopathy has helped multitudes of women to overcome their suffering and lead a normal sexual life once again. Plagued by worries of worsening marital discord, many women have sought treatment at Dr. Sushil's Clinic for their sexual dysfunction and they have been happy about making the right choice of treatment. With our expertise and experience in treating patients for many years at Dr. Sushil's Clinic, we can positively assure our patients of good results in most cases.

The first thing that must be borne in mind is that female sexual dysfunction is treatable and with combined efforts of a sex therapist and homeopathy, most women can help themselves significantly. Homeopathy, being a mind-and-body medicine, treats the patients at the level of the body as well as the mind, which is primarily essential for sexual dysfunction cases.

Lack of libido and inability to become aroused show good response to treatment with homeopathy especially since the cause is psychological in most cases. Another area where homeopathy can be of great help is dyspareunia or painful intercourse. A large number of cases of dyspareunia show positive response after homeopathic treatment and adequate counseling of the patient. Primary female orgasmic disorder is one area that takes time to respond to treatment and the results may not always be positive. However, secondary orgasmic disorders can be tackled effectively in most cases if the cause is adequately taken care of.

One of the common roadblocks to a good response to treatment is persistent anxiety about the results. Often women who seek consultation have reached a tough point in their personal lives and relationships due to their problem and have lost patience to stick to the treatment. If the partner can also be counseled along with the patient at such times, it goes a long way in attaining positive response to treatment. It is in the best interest of the patients that they opt for treatment as soon as possible - this can give optimum results and prevent any further progress of the condition.

What is Acne?

Acne (commonly known as ‘pimples’ or ‘zits’) is a skin condition that often causes far more damage to the patient's psyche than it does to the patient's skin. The bigger problem with acne is that just when you feel the last one is about to disappear, another one seems to be right on the way and this can be quite frustrating.

Whiteheads (Closed comedones):

These appear as tiny whitish bumps on the skin; here the plugged follicle stays below the surface of the skin.

Blackheads (Open comedones):

The appearance of these is dark or blackish bumps on the skin; here the plugged follicle has developed a melanin build-up (which gives the dark color)


These are small, firm pink bumps on the skin and can be tender to touch.


Small round eruptions on the skin that contain pus and are painful.

Nodules / Cyst:

These are larger eruptions that are usually deep seated within the skin, are severely inflamed and painful. Nodules last a long period running into several weeks or months and the contents usually harden and leave behind deep scars.

Types & Causes of Acne.

There are different types of Acne which affect people; some are milder in nature and others that are very severe. Discussed here are some of the common variants:

Acne Vulgaris:

This is the most common form of acne. Acne vulgaris involves multiple lesions such as whiteheads, blackheads, papules, pustules and nodules at various stages of development.

Acne Rosacea:

This form usually affects the middle third of the face and is characterized by persistent redness of the forehead, lower part of nose, cheeks and chin. This is accompanied by red bumps, pimples and blemishes.

Acne Conglobata:

It is more common amongst males as compared to females and the average age of onset is usually between 18 and 30 years. It is a chronic and severe form of acne which is characterized by severe inflammation, deep abscesses and severe scarring of the skin.

Acne Fulminans:

It is a form of acne which is characterized by sudden onset of highly destructive inflammation. The symptoms are of severe nature and often may lead to ulcerations.

Nodulocystic Acne:

This is also one of the severe forms of acne and is characterized by cysts, which may measure several centimeters in diameter. The cysts may occur singly or in multiples over the face, neck, scalp, back, chest and shoulders.

There have been numerous explanations cited as to why acne occurs in some people and not in others. Innumerable debates have taken place as to what is related and what is not related to the development of these eruptions. However, the actual and precise cause of acne still remains a mystery.

Homeopathic Treatment (Healing safely, gently and surely!)

Our qualified and experienced dermatologists form an integral part of our team of 300+ doctors at our clinic - they combine expert skin care with the individualized diet plan provided by our nutritionists. This, along with homeopathic remedies, helps us to give the best of solutions to each and every patient of acne.

Homeopathy has good scope in the treatment of acne. The medicines can eliminate the eruptions over a period of time, prevent further outbreaks and gradually give a healthy look to the skin.

It is important to note however that acne almost never disappears at once. Since it is greatly influenced by hormonal levels (which fluctuate due to various reasons) acne eruptions vary in intensity and severity during the treatment. Nevertheless, with continued and regular medication, the condition comes under good control and can finally disappear.

What is Addison's Disease?

One out of every 100,000 people suffers from Addison’s disease! What is it? This is a condition that results from the failure of Adrenal glands to produce sufficient hormones.

Causes of Addison's Disease.

The hormones Cortisol and Aldosterone are produced by the outer layer of the Adrenal gland called as the Cortex. Any kind of damage to the cortex can result in insufficient production of these hormones. Adrenal insufficiency becomes evident when at least 90% of the cortex has been destroyed. The adrenal cortex can be damaged due to any of the following causes:

Presence of any other auto-immune condition in the patient also predisposes him to develop Addison’s disease.

Primary Addison’s disease:

This is due to disorder of the adrenal glands themselves (damage to the adrenal cortex).

Secondary Addison’s disease:

In this case, the disorder is caused due to lack of the stimulus for the hormone secretions (which comes from the Pituitary gland). Unless there is a stimulus for the adrenal gland to secrete the hormones, the gland cannot do so by itself and this results in secondary Addison’s disease.

Homeopathic Treatment (Healing safely, gently and surely!)

Homeopathy can offer good relief to patients with Addison’s disease. The medicines can help in stimulating the adrenal glands to improve the secretion of the hormones and thus control the disease process. They can be given along with conventional treatment and strategic combination of both can help the patients to tide over the disease.

Improvement is gradually seen on the symptomatic level wherein the patient starts experiencing relief from the symptoms and notices a general sense of well being. Skin changes take longer duration to get back to normal but improvement in energy levels, better appetite, stable blood pressure, etc. are initial changes that occur.

Lastly, proper constitutional treatment can also help to arrest the progress of this condition and this is one worthy reason to opt for homeopathic treatment as soon as the condition is diagnosed.

What is Ankylosing Spondylitis?

Ankylosing spondylitis is derived from the Greek word ankylos meaning fused and spondylos which means vertebrae. Thus it’s a condition in which the ‘spine is fused’ - actually a presentation that is seen in advanced cases of this disease.

Ankylosing spondylitis is an inflammatory disease that affects multiple systems of the body though the commonest affection is of the joints. To make it more precise, the joints of the spine and those between the spine and the pelvis (sacro-iliac) are affected leading to chronic arthritis. Chronic inflammation in these areas causes pain and stiffness that worsens over a period of time.

Causes of Ankylosing Spondylitis.

Ankylosing spondylitis is considered to be a genetic disorder in which the HLA-B27 gene in particular has an important role to play. People with this particular gene have a significantly higher risk of developing ankylosing spondylitis. However, it must be noted that not every person who has the HLA-B27 gene develops this disorder. Thus there are some additional factors, probably environmental, that are involved in the development of this condition.

Patients with a family history of ankylosing spondylitis stand a greater chance to develop it as compared to those with no family history.

In addition, gender predilection has been strongly noticed in this condition. Males are almost 2 to 3 times more prone to develop this condition as compared to females.

Homeopathic Treatment (Healing safely, gently and surely!)

At Our, we have the experience and the expertise of treating patients for the last many years and bring smiles to many suffering patients. It's our constant endeavor to impart a better lifestyle to our patients and help them live a pain-free life.

The beauty of Homeopathy is that this science has at least something to offer for most of the ailments. Likewise, even in Ankylosing Spondylitis, Homeopathy can offer significant pain relief to the patients. This holds especially true for cases that are in the early stages of the disease. At this stage, the medication can even help in slowing down the progress of the disease besides offering pain control.

Regular exercises, swimming, breathing exercises, gentle stretches, etc. done under the supervision of a physiotherapist combined with Homeopathy can give good results in most cases.

What is Allergic Rhinitis?

Allergic rhinitis (nasal allergy) is an inflammation of the nasal passages characterized by symptoms that include any combination of the following: sneezing, nasal congestion, nasal itching, and discharge from the nose. In short it is the condition that makes you go sneezing and gives you an itchy, runny nose with watery eyes whenever you come in contact with certain allergens. The condition is usually precipitated in sensitive individuals after exposure to dust, dander, certain seasonal pollens, etc.

There are two categories of allergic rhinitis (nasal allergy):


The allergy attacks occur during certain seasons, especially in pollen season.


The allergy attacks are interspersed throughout the year.

Causes of Allergic Rhinitis.

The troublesome bout of allergic rhinitis (nasal allergy) which a lot of people dread can be triggered by a number of allergens. Allergens are substances that can induce an ‘allergic reaction’ in the body. Some of the allergens that are common culprits in cases of allergic rhinitis (nasal allergy):

Apart from allergens, there are certain other factors that are responsible in the development of allergic rhinitis (nasal allergy):


Hot, dry, windy days are more likely to trigger an allergy attack (due to increased amounts of pollen in the air) as compared to cool, damp, rainy days (when most pollen is washed to the ground)


Heredity seems to play an important role in allergic diseases. If both your parents suffer from allergic rhinitis (nasal allergy), you have almost 50% chances of developing the same. If one of your parents suffers from it, your chances of developing this stand at 30%.

Homeopathic Treatment (Healing safely, gently and surely!)

At Dr. Sushil's, we have treated thousands of cases of allergic rhinitis (nasal allergy) over the last previous years and given significant relief to a large number of them. Our holistic approach at our Clinic helps them overcome their illness and lead a better quality of life.

Homeopathy indeed has the credit of relieving a large number of patients from the distress of allergic rhinitis (nasal allergy). The medication targets the body’s immune system whereby it reduces the hypersensitivity to the allergens. Over a period of time, the patient reacts less aggressively to the allergens and gradually the hypersensitivity is cured. In one of the research studies conducted, 147 cases with respiratory allergies were evaluated and the success rate with homeopathic treatment was found to be 87.6% in these.

What is Alopecia Areata?

The hair is the richest ornament of women’ - thus said Martin Luther but he would have surely wanted to change his quote had he lived in present times. Whether its women or men, they hold hair to be equally precious in today’s scenario and alopecia areata can be a big cause of concern for both.

Amongst all hair disorders, none arouse as much interest as alopecia areata. The reason for this is the uniqueness with which the disease presents itself:

Here are some of the features that are characteristic of Alopecia Areata:

Types & Causes of Alopecia Areata.

Alopecia areata belongs to the category of diseases classified as auto-immune conditions. These are conditions in which the immune system of the body mistakenly attacks the body’s own cells – in this case the hair follicles - and destroys them. This results in hair being lost from the affected area. This abnormal behavior of the immune system can be triggered by a number of factors such as:


High levels of the male hormones (which are present in men as well as in women) can trigger the onset of alopecia

Homeopathic Treatment (Healing safely, gently and surely!)

At our clinic, we have the experience of treating thousands of cases of alopecia over the last 35 years and providing effective, safe and gentle solutions to them. With the winning combination of Homeopathy, Trichology and Technology, we have been giving the best solutions to our patients.

One of the main reasons why Homeopathy works so beautifully in these cases is that it targets the altered immunity of the patient and brings it back to normal over a period of time. Thus the results are long-lasting and not just superficial in nature.

The duration of treatment may vary from case to case and depends on a lot of factors. Cases of chronic nature with widespread affection, fast progress and presence of other systemic illness take longer duration to be treated. On the other hand, cases of recent origin with limited spread show a faster response.

What is Asthma?

Asthma (also called Bronchial Asthma) is a chronic disease that affects the tubes (bronchi) that carry air in and out of lungs. Whenever these tubes become inflamed due to any reason, three things happen:

Some of the allergens that are common culprits in cases of allergic rhinitis (nasal allergy):

Causes of Asthma

The primary reason, why asthma (breathlessness, respiratory allergy, wheeze) develops in some people and not in others, is not well understood. However, certain risk factors have been identified that make a person more prone to develop this condition.

One of the strongest risk factors for asthma is a combination of genetic tendency and exposure to allergens / irritants. The allergens or irritants form a large group and some of the common ones are mentioned here:

Apart from allergens/irritants, there are other things that can trigger an asthmatic attack:

Homeopathic Treatment (Healing safely, gently and surely!)

In a research conducted by professors at the University of Glasgow, Europe's largest medical school, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials showed that over 80% patients given a homeopathic remedy showed improvement, while only 38% of patients given a placebo experienced a similar degree of relief. Isn’t it time you took your step towards getting treated with Homeopathy?

Our experience of treating more than thousand cases of asthma with homeopathy at our clinic shows that majority of patients experience significant improvement in their health after commencing treatment. The individualized treatment provided to the patients has helped thousands to overcome their suffering and lead a healthy life again.

Reduced frequency and severity of attacks, shorter duration of the attacks and overall improved resistance are some of the prime benefits of homeopathic treatment as reported by most of our patients.

What is Bronchitis?

A simple reflex mechanism such as a cough which is meant to clear the air passages can turn into a troublesome disease like bronchitis if left unheeded. Bronchitis is a respiratory disorder in which the tubes that carry air to the lungs are inflamed and irritated. This causes the inner lining of these tubes to swell and produce mucus, leading to cough.

Bronchitis can be acute or chronic in nature depending on the duration of the illness. Acute bronchitis mostly develops from a cold or other respiratory infection whereas chronic bronchitis results from a more constant irritation of the bronchial tubes, often caused by smoking. Homeopathy can significantly help sufferers of both kinds of bronchitis and can provide gentle and safe treatment.

Causes of Bronchitis.

The cough that has lasted quite a few days in your case and does not get better on its own may be bronchitis and it can be caused due to a number of reasons:

Homeopathic Treatment (Healing safely, gently and surely!)

If you are looking for a place which offers holistic healing with homeopathy, the expertise of qualified chest physicians and the proficient advice from experienced and qualified nutritionist to help your bronchitis.

In cases of acute bronchitis, Homeopathy can shorten the duration of the illness and rule out the need for prescribing antibiotics to the patient. There is a marked reduction in the toxicity experienced by the patient when he is on Homeopathic treatment.

Chronic bronchitis is a stubborn condition in general but homeopathy has an answer to this condition as well. There are homeopathic remedies that significantly improve symptoms of chronic bronchitis and can even aid the patient in quitting smoking.

What is Cancer?

Cancer is the general name for a group of more than 100 diseases. Although there are many kinds of cancer, all cancers start because abnormal cells grow out of control. Untreated cancers can cause serious illness and death. The body is made up of trillions of living cells. Normal body cells grow, divide to make new cells, and die in an orderly way.

During the early years of a person’s life, normal cells divide faster to allow the person to grow. After the person becomes an adult, most cells divide only to replace worn-out or dying cells or to repair injuries. Cancer cells often travel to other parts of the body where they can grow and form new tumors. This happens when the cancer cells get into the body’s bloodstream or lymph vessels.

The process of cancer spreading is called metastasis. No matter where a cancer may spread, it’s always named based on the place where it started. For example, colon cancer that has spread to the liver is called metastatic colon cancer, not liver cancer. In this case, cancer cells taken from the liver would be the same as those in the colon. They would be treated in the same ways too.

Causes of Cancer.

ancer starts when cells in a part of the body start to grow out of control. Cancer cell growth is different from normal cell growth. Instead of dying, cancer cells continue to grow and form new, abnormal cells. Cancer cells can also invade (grow into) other tissues, something that normal cells can’t do.

Growing out of control and invading other tissues are what makes a cell a cancer cell. Cells become cancer cells because of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) damage. DNA is in every cell and it directs all its actions. In a normal cell, when DNA is damaged the cell either repairs the damage or dies.

In cancer cells, the damaged DNA is not repaired, but the cell doesn’t die like it should. Instead, the cell goes on making new cells that the body doesn’t need. These new cells all have the same damaged DNA as the first abnormal cell does. People can inherit abnormal DNA (it’s passed on from their parents), but most often DNA damage is caused by mistakes that happen while the normal cell is reproducing or by something in the environment. Sometimes the cause of the DNA damage may be something obvious like cigarette smoking or sun exposure. But it’s rare to know exactly what caused any one person’s cancer.

How cancer spreads:

Cancer cells often travel to other parts of the body where they can grow and form new tumors. This happens when the cancer cells get into the body’s bloodstream or lymph vessels. The process of cancer spreading is called metastasis. No matter where a cancer may spread, it’s always named based on the place where it started. For example, colon cancer that has spread to the liver is called metastatic colon cancer, not liver cancer. In this case, cancer cells taken from the liver would be the same as those in the colon. They would be treated in the same ways too.

How cancers differ:

Different types of cancer can behave very differently. For instance, lung cancer and skin cancer are very different diseases. They grow at different rates and respond to different treatments. This is why people with cancer need treatment that’s aimed at their kind of cancer.

Homeopathic Treatment (Healing safely, gently and surely!)

Once treatment is over, people who have had cancer often want to know what they can do to stay healthy. It's important to realize that people who have had cancer in the past can still have other health problems. Some may even develop other cancers. Learn about the things you can do to help yourself stay healthy once your cancer treatment is completed.

The end of treatment can be both stressful and exciting. You will be relieved to finish treatment, yet it is hard not to worry about cancer coming back. Some cancers can come back or recur after treatment. The odds of this happening depend on many factors, including the type of cancer. Learn more about cancer recurrence and living with this possibility here.

What is Cervical Spondylitis?

Statistics show that Cervical Spondylitis is indeed the commonest cause of neck pain in people above the age of 55 years! It goes without saying that this condition is mainly caused by age-related changes due to wear and tear that occur in the backbone (vertebrae) of the neck region.

Cervical Spondylitis (also called Cervical Spondylosis) is derived from Greek words that mean neck (cervical) and vertebra (spondylo). Thus it’s a condition caused by wear and tear that occurs at the backbone (vertebral column) in the neck region.

Homeopathic Treatment (Controlling the damage and easing the pain)

Clinical studies have demonstrated the efficacy of homeopathy in the treatment of persistent musculoskeletal pain (such as that which occurs in cervical spondylitis besides many other conditions). The medicines can offer significant pain control and improve the quality of life of patients. At our clinic, we have successfully treated many cases of cervical spondylitis over the last previous years and have given relief from suffering to a large number of patients.

Many of our patients report a better quality of life in general after starting homeopathic treatment at Dr. Sushil's clinics. Homeopathy indeed has substantial relief to offer to patients of cervical spondylitis. The medicines provide with significant relief in the pain and stiffness that is associated with the disease. In addition, the treatment can also help to slow down the progress of the ailment over a period of time.

What is Constipation?

Constipation - one of the commonest gastrointestinal problems is a cause of distress for a large number of people globally. Constipation can affect people of all ages though it tends to be common amongst children and the elderly people (above 65 years of age).

A common misbelief that exists amongst people is that if they do not get a bowel movement every day, they are constipated. However, there is nothing like a fixed frequency to judge the normalcy of bowel movements. Three bowel movements a day to three in a week is considered normal and this varies from person to person. So if a person defecates less than 3 times a week, he can be said to be constipated.

Causes of Constipation.

Some of the common triggers of constipation include:

Homeopathic Treatment (Healing safely, gently and surely!)

Homeopathy has very good scope in the treatment of constipation. Homeopathy practitioners have repeatedly demonstrated that people who were prescribed constitutional remedies experienced significant relief from their constipation and overall improvement in their general health as well.

Homeopathic remedies gently bring the functionality of the bowels back to normal. This helps in regularization of bowel movements as well in the formation of stools of normal consistency. After starting Homeopathy treatment, most patients can reduce their dependence on laxatives, purgatives, cathartics, etc. successfully.

What is Common Cold?

Sneezing, scratchy throat, runny nose—as you know are the first signs of cold, probably the most common illness known that can be caused by more than 200 viruses; highly common one being rhinovirus causing approximately 30% - 35% of all adult colds.

Common cold is medically referred to as a viral upper respiratory tract infection. It varies in its manifestation, depending upon the areas involved, the intensity of infection or inflammation.

Causes of Common Cold.

Cold can be caused by a lot of viruses and because new cold viruses constantly develop, the body never builds up resistance against all of them. Due to these reasons, colds are a frequent and recurring problem, in fact the most frequently occurring illness in the world.

Children in preschool and elementary school can have 6 to 12 bouts of cold per year while adolescents and adults, typically have two to four cold bouts per year. It occurs most frequently during winter and monsoon season. Factors that lead to cold infections could be over-crowded areas, variation in weather conditions, smoke, dust, odours or pre-existing allergies, chronic sinusitis, septic tonsillitis or any related infection of the nasopharynx.

Homeopathic Treatment (Healing safely, gently and surely!)

Homeopathy medicine emphasises on treating the underlying imbalance in the immune system rather than simply curing an infection. The common cold responds well with homeopathy medicines which is a great advantage over other conventional medicines. Homeopaths generally give an opinion that a cold, once or twice a year is not a bad thing. There is a well-known saying which authenticates this insight, ‘Don’t cure a cold, let a cold cure you’. But we also cannot ignore the fact that your ‘ordinary’ cold might erupt into flu or pneumonia.

The beauty of Homeopathy is that this science has at least something to offer for most of the ailments. Likewise, even in Ankylosing Spondylitis, Homeopathy can offer significant pain relief to the patients. This holds especially true for cases that are in the early stages of the disease. At this stage, the medication can even help in slowing down the progress of the disease besides offering pain control.

Regular exercises, swimming, breathing exercises, gentle stretches, etc. done under the supervision of a physiotherapist combined with Homeopathy can give good results in most cases.

What is Depression?

In simplified words, depression can be defined as sadness or grief that persists for excessively long duration as compared to normal and significantly impairs the normal functioning of an individual. On account of millions of people being affected by depression worldwide, it is a huge public health problem. It is especially important to diagnose it and treat it in time because it affects not only the patient but his entire family as well as his work. A few decades ago, depression would be classified as:


This type is described as one in which there is no external cause for the depression; it can be of genetic origin or may be idiopathic.

Neurotic / reactive:

This type has an obvious external factor that has precipitated the condition. Common triggers include loss of a loved one, end of a relationship, death of spouse, a major set-back in life, etc.

Causes of Depression.

The exact cause of depression cannot be pin-pointed; however a combination of genetic, biochemical, and environmental factors has been understood to play a role in the development of the same.

Homeopathic Treatment (Healing safely, gently and surely!)

Homeopathy can effectively treat most forms of depression with good results. Research done in the past has also shown that significant improvement in depression symptoms and betterment in the quality of life of patients was clearly evident after homeopathic treatment. At our clinic, we have the experience and expertise in treating this condition successfully with Homeopathy for many years now.

The duration of treatment for depression may vary from case to case and depends on several factors such as duration of the condition, its severity and its impact on the patient. Patients who have not lost touch with reality are likely to respond better than those who suffer from psychotic symptoms like delusions / hallucinations (which indicates loss of touch with reality). In addition, patients who develop a strong will (who do not give up on the treatment) and take adequate steps for the same are likely to show good response to treatment.

The medicines can help to reinstate the deviation from health back to normal and can help the patients to lead a better quality of life in general. In addition, Homeopathy can help in avoiding the use of anti-depressants which often tend to be habit-forming as well as lead to side effects like weight gain, high blood pressure, blurring of vision, etc.

What is Eczema?

Eczema (also called dermatitis) describes any inflammation of the skin which is characterized by itching, redness and an outbreak of lesions. It is non-contagious in nature i.e. does not spread from one person to another.

Cervical Spondylitis (also called Cervical Spondylosis) is derived from Greek words that mean neck (cervical) and vertebra (spondylo). Thus it’s a condition caused by wear and tear that occurs at the backbone (vertebral column) in the neck region.

Causes of Eczema.

An abnormal function of the immune system (allergy/ allergic response) is seen in most cases where the body reacts abnormally to external impressions which otherwise don’t have an impact on healthy individuals. Some of the triggers for eczema include but are not limited to:

Homeopathic Treatment (Controlling the damage and easing the pain)

At our clinic, with our experience of successfully treating thousands of cases of eczema over the last previous years, we are in possession of the experience and expertise to handle the cases with utmost care. The reason why our medication scores over conventional medication is that it corrects the deviated immune process, which is the root cause of eczema or the skin allergy. The medication works to restore this deviated immunity to give rise to a series of repeated and increasingly prolonged remissions in the symptoms, which eventually proceeds to a good control of the disease.

At the same time, side-effects (as those seen with steroids) like thinning of the skin, atrophy of skin, secondary fungal and bacterial infections of the skin are completely avoided here.

It must be kept in mind that treatment duration varies from case to case and depends on many factors such as duration of the eczema, its extent and severity, and the previous treatment taken. However, the treatment has multiple benefits to offer to every patient of eczema and hence is strongly suggested for all cases.

What is Gastritis?

Gastritis, also commonly known as ‘heartburn’, ‘dyspepsia’ or acidity, is an irritation/inflammation of the lining of the stomach. It’s one of the commonest digestive problems and up to 10% of the people who report to hospital for abdominal pain have gastritis.

Gastritis is more of a generic term which includes different conditions that present with pain or discomfort in the upper part of the abdomen. This could be of recent origin or long standing duration. Whatever be the cause, Homeopathy has very good scope in the treatment of most cases of gastritis and can provide significant relief to the patients. Gastritis is not one single disease … rather it’s an umbrella term which encompasses different conditions which have inflammation of the stomach.

Inflammation means the response of the body tissue to any kind of irritation or injury. For e.g. if you scratch your arm with your nail (with some pressure), the skin in that area would turn red, swollen, warm and tender. This response is termed as inflammation.

Causes of Gastritis.

Numerous things can trigger gastritis and it has been associated with several things right from medical conditions to medicines to habits, etc. The primary mechanism by which this occurs is damage to the ‘protective mucus barrier’ of the stomach. This mucus barrier prevents the acid from coming in direct contact with the stomach lining. When the barrier is damaged, the acid causes the lining of the stomach to be inflamed.

Homeopathic Treatment (Healing safely, gently and surely!)

Homeopathy in general has very good scope in the treatment of gastritis. Whether the condition is acute or chronic in nature, homeopathy can effectively soothe the burning pain and other annoying symptoms associated with the disease. Arresting the progress of the condition is another important step that can be achieved with homeopathic treatment.

In general, the treatment provides with improved health to the patients and better capability to deal with stress which is one of the common triggers for this condition. Not to mention that it is without any side effects whatsoever.

All in all, homeopathy definitely has lots to offer to every case of gastritis and early treatment is suggested for all cases.

What is Hair Loss?

Whether it’s taking the appropriate hair loss prevention measures or it’s going for the right hair fall treatment, getting it done at the right time is of vital importance. Two out of three people with hair loss detect it late and you surely don't want to be amongst them.

Hair loss is a generalized term characterizing loss of hair well in excess of the normal 50-100 hair strands per day. In certain cases even though the hair loss is within normal limits, for various reasons, the body stops growing new hair, leading to a gradual state of baldness. Anyone can experience hair loss – men, women and children though it is generally seen to worsen with advancing age. Certain statistics state that almost 30% of people experience hair loss by 30 years of age and almost 50% get hair loss by the time they turn 50.

Causes of Hair Loss.

The DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) - the male sex hormone - is the primary trigger of male and female pattern baldness. Besides this, more and more hair follicles go into the resting phase with advancing age leading to gradual thinning of hair. Heredity is also known to determine hair loss problems. Discussed here are some of the other general causes of hair loss commonly seen:

Poor Nutrition:

This is one of the commonest reasons for hair loss, especially in India. Iron deficiency (anemia) tops the list and is followed by protein deficiency. Improper absorption of the nutrients can also lead to poor nutrition.

Oral contraceptives:

Certain oral contraceptives using synthetic progesterone can lead to female pattern baldness. Then again, stopping oral contraceptives is also known to be associated with generalized hair loss for sometime.


Drugs used in the treatment of gout, depression, arthritis, high blood pressure and heart problems can lead to increased hair loss. Chemotherapy drugs, radiation treatment are other common causes.


Nicotine (tobacco) negatively influences the micro-circulation of the scalp leading to increased hair loss.

Mental stress:

There is increased hair loss when an individual is highly stressed - the exact mechanism of this is not known.


This is inflamed flaky skin on the scalp and it hinders proper circulation and nutrition to the hair thereby causing increased hair loss.

Poor circulation:

A study of young men diagnosed with male pattern baldness showed that the blood flow to their scalps was on average 2.6 times lower than in a control group. Follicles that are constantly deprived of blood, and therefore nutrients, cannot produce hair properly.

Hormonal changes:

Pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, etc. can lead to significant hair loss.

Crash dieting:

Excessive dieting especially mono dieting, which involves completely avoiding a particular type of food group, causes a disturbance in the balance of protein, carbohydrates and fat, leading to hair loss, which sometimes does not reverse even after the patient gets back to a normal diet.

Homeopathic Treatment (Safe and sure way to strong, healthy hair)

At our clinic you can be assured of effective, gentle and safe solution provided by experts for your hair loss problems. After successfully treating various cases of hair loss treatment for men and women, we are in possession of expertise to detect your hair problems at an early stage as well as provide you with the best options of treatment.

Our three-pronged approach of Homeopathy, Trichology and Technology is a winning combination that has brought a smile to many suffering patients. International studies have also clearly shown that homeopathic medicines counteract the effects of DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) thereby controlling the progression of hair loss without any side effects.

We have successfully used some rare and uncommon homeopathic remedies in hair loss cases and have got excellent results from the same. The fruitful use of these remedies comes from our vast experience and in-depth knowledge of this science.

What is Hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism - a condition that affects almost 10 % of women world wide and almost 3-5 % of the general population. A condition that afflicts millions of people yet goes so unnoticed in so many cases. More common than you would believe it to be, Hypothyroidism is one of the commonest causes that can make you feel persistently weak and tired.

Hypothyroidism is a condition in which less than normal levels of thyroid hormones are circulating in the blood. This can be due to a problem with the thyroid gland itself (Primary hypothyroidism) wherein it cannot produce sufficient hormones due to certain reasons or due to a problem with the pituitary gland (Secondary hypothyroidism) wherein the basic stimulus for the hormone secretion is lacking. In either case, the end result is that there are widespread consequences on the whole body due to lack of T3 and T4 hormones.

Causes of Hypothyroidism.

Hypothyroidism can develop due to a number of reasons and these may vary from patient to patient. Some of the common causes have been listed here:

Severe iodine deficiency:

A diet that is persistently low in iodine (such as that seen in certain geographical areas of the world like India, Chile, remote mountainous regions of Himalayas, Andes, etc.) can lead to Hypothyroidism.

Hashimoto's Thyroiditis:

This is an inherited auto-immune condition which causes the body’s immune system to inappropriately attack the thyroid gland. It is 5-10 times more common in women as compared to men. The patient usually presents with am enlarged thyroid gland (goiter) which has diminished ability to produce the hormones T3 and T4. Hashimoto's Thyroiditis is the commonest cause of Hypothyroidism in USA.


In some women, there is production of antibodies to the thyroid gland during or after pregnancy leading to hypothyroidism. This can lead to complications during the pregnancy or childbirth and can also have effects on the growing fetus.

Radioactive iodine treatment or surgery:

Treatment with radioactive iodine or surgical removal of the thyroid gland (while being treated for hyperthyroidism) may lead to reduced production of the thyroid hormones.

Homeopathic Treatment (Healing safely, gently and surely!)

Homeopathic medicines primarily work at the level of the immune system and gradually bring the deviation back towards normalcy. The medicines help in stimulating the gland to produce the hormones to the optimum level so that the requirement for external supplementation of hormones is minimal or none.

After starting homeopathic treatment, many patients are able to reduce their dependence on conventional drugs and in some cases may be even stop the same. However, this needs to be monitored very closely by the treating physician and this is what is precisely done. Even in cases where the patient is not able to stop conventional drugs, he can manage his condition better while on homeopathic medicines and there is a general sense of well being that is very essential for a good quality of life. It can also be possible to control the further progress of the condition with the help of homeopathy.

What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

When veins (blood vessels) in the anal region enlarge and form a mass, the condition is called as Hemorrhoids (piles). This mass (piles) may protrude outside the anus, may bleed, itch or even become tender.

There are two types of Hemorrhoids:


Internal Hemorrhoids originate in the upper part of the anal canal and usually you can't see or feel these hemorrhoids. They generally don’t cause any discomfort either; however, the patient continues to experience symptoms like bleeding with stools. Sometimes, the internal piles may prolapse (fall out of place) due to excessive straining and start protruding outside the anus resulting in pain and irritation.


External hemorrhoids originate in the lower part of the anal canal and are covered by anal skin. When irritated, external hemorrhoids can itch or bleed. Sometimes blood may pool in an external hemorrhoid and form a clot (thrombus), resulting in severe pain, swelling and inflammation.

Causes of Hemorrhoids.

There are a number of factors which together contribute to the development of piles (hemorrhoids). The common causes have been described here:

Homeopathic Treatment (Healing safely, gently and surely!)

Homeopathy medicines can effectively help in management of Hemorrhoids (piles ) and the symptoms associated with it such as pain, bleeding, itching, etc. Homeopathic medication targets the cause and thus treats the disease from the roots thereby reducing the chances of relapse of the condition. We have treated a large number of cases of Hemorrhoids with good results and have given significant relief to patients in most cases.

Conventional treatment for Hemorrhoids largely includes surgery or other procedures such as infrared coagulation, sclerotherapy, etc. However, the condition has a tendency to recur back after such treatments since they do not target the root cause. Homeopathic medicines, on the other hand, work at the root level and treat the underlying cause such as chronic constipation, laxity of veins, etc. If there is an underlying genetic tendency to develop piles, even that can be taken care of with properly planned constitutional treatment along with dietary and lifestyle modification. Different cases have different scope of improvement with homeopathy treatment. Grade 1 and 2 of piles (hemorrhoids) can be effectively treated with Homeopathy. In cases of grade 3 and 4, medication can only help in providing symptomatic relief and cure may not be possible. However, the time duration of the treatment as well as results may vary from case to case.

What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is one of the commonest disorders of the digestive system and primarily affects the large intestine. It presents as pain in abdomen, diarrhea and/ or constipation with bloating and gases. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is also commonly known by other names such as spastic colitis, spastic colon, mucous colitis, etc.

Bronchitis is a respiratory disorder in which the tubes that carry air to the lungs are inflamed and irritated. This causes the inner lining of these tubes to swell and produce mucus, leading to cough. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) affects people of all ages though it tends to be common before 35 years of age in more than half the patients. Gender predilection is clearly evident with more females being affected as compared to males.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is basically a functional disease in nature which means that though the disease causes abnormalities of function, there are no pathological changes seen in the intestines - no permanent damage to the intestine occurs. Examining the intestines with the naked eye or under the microscope does not reveal any abnormalities like inflammation or other changes. In addition, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) does not increase the risk for cancer (colorectal cancer) as other intestinal diseases like Ulcerative Colitis or Crohn's disease do.

Causes of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is one of those diseases whose exact cause continues to evade the medical fraternity even today. A large number of factors work in a complex combination to trigger the onset of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in a given case. Some of these factors include:

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) tends to episodic in many cases where there are periods during which the disease worsens. These episodes tend to be triggered by any or all of the following:

Certain foods:

Milk and milk products, chocolates, tea, coffee, colas, alcohol, etc. often trigger complaints. Bloating and gases may be triggered by the intake of certain vegetables, fruits and carbonated drinks.

Hormonal changes:

Complaints may worsen during periods of hormonal changes such as before, during or after menstruation in women.

Psychological stress:

It is not uncommon for complaints to get worse during periods of stress in irritable bowel syndrome patients.

Other disease conditions:

An acute infection of the intestines (such as infectious diarrhea) can trigger irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms.

Homeopathic Treatment (Healing safely, gently and surely!)

Irritable bowel syndrome can have a deep impact on the life of the patient even though it is a functional disease. It can significantly alter the patient's personal, professional as well as social life on account of being a chronic disease.

Homeopathy comes to the rescue of patients here since homeopathic treatment of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is safe, gentle and without any side effects. The medication targets the root of the ailment and thus the healing occurs at the level of the altered immunity. We have the experience and expertise of treating a large number of cases of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) with Homeopathy and have had good response in most cases.

The homeopathic treatment for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) takes into consideration the physical as well as mental make up of the patient so that the remedy selected is a perfect match for the patient, leading to long term relief. Homeopathy medicines help in effectively controlling the symptoms such as irregular bowel movements, constipation, diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, etc. Regular treatment helps in reducing the frequency of attacks gradually so that the person's health is restored back to normalcy.

What is Lichen planus?

Lichen planus is an inflammatory condition that can affect the skin, mouth and genitals. Rows or clusters of dark, flat-topped skin lesions are typical of this condition. Being one of the chronic skin conditions, it tends to last for years in most cases. An inflammatory disease that affects almost 0.5 to 2 % of the world population, Lichen planus is an auto-immune condition that tends to run a chronic course.

It presents with dark, raised lesions which are flat-topped mostly affecting the skin, but also involving the oral cavity and genitals in many cases. Lichen planus is neither infectious nor contagious in nature. Apart from being chronic, the disease has periods of remissions (when the symptoms disappear or reduce in intensity) and relapses (when the disease symptoms increase in intensity). Hence, patient compliance to conventional treatment is poor at times.

Causes of Lichen planus.

What exactly causes Lichen planus has not been clearly understood till date but various theories have existed as to what can trigger this condition in some people and not in others. Some of the commonly cited reasons include:

Homeopathic Treatment (Healing safely, gently and surely!)

At our clinic you can be assured of effective, gentle and safe solution provided by experts for your hair loss problems. After successfully treating various cases of hair loss treatment for men and women, we are in possession of expertise to detect your hair problems at an early stage as well as provide you with the best options of treatment.

Our three-pronged approach of Homeopathy, Trichology and Technology is a winning combination that has brought a smile to many suffering patients. International studies have also clearly shown that homeopathic medicines counteract the effects of DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) thereby controlling the progression of hair loss without any side effects.

We have successfully used some rare and uncommon homeopathic remedies in hair loss cases and have got excellent results from the same. The fruitful use of these remedies comes from our vast experience and in-depth knowledge of this science.

What is Migraine?

Migraine is basically a form of a vascular headache that is chronic and recurrent in nature. Patients suffering from migraine usually describe it as an intense, throbbing or pounding headache which generally affects only one side of the head. Occasionally, the pain may affect both sides or may alter sides.

Migraines can occur at any age but usually commence between ten to forty years of age. The episodes tend to taper down with advancing age. Almost 15% of the population globally is affected by migraine. Women are affected thrice as more commonly as compared to men. A large number of people with migraine (almost 80%) have at least one family member who suffers from or has had migraine in the past.

The frequency of migraine headache varies largely from patient to patient - some migraineurs may experience the headache episodes several times a month whereas others may get only a few sporadic episodes in the entire year. The pain generally lasts for a few hours but at times even up to 3 days.

Causes of Migraine.

Migraine is a vascular headache that is caused due to vasodilatation (engorgement of blood vessels) and abnormalities in the levels of certain chemicals in the brain. Chiefly, when the amounts of the chemicals dopamine and serotonin alter abnormally, the result is constriction and dilatation of the blood vessels leading to a painful sensation. The exact cause as to why this occurs is still in the research phase.

A combination of the above two factors decides the course of migraine in most patients. Apart from this, there are many factors that can trigger the onset of an episode of migraine in a susceptible person. Some of the common triggers of migraine have been discussed here:

Homeopathic Treatment (Healing safely, gently and surely!)

In a double-blind placebo controlled trial conducted at Norway, 68 patients with Migraine were prescribed individualized Homeopathy treatment or placebo over a period of four months. At the end of the study, it was found that the group which was prescribed Homeopathy experienced significant reduction in frequency of attacks and intensity of pain as compared to the group that was given placebo. In addition, the former group also experienced overall well being with the treatment.

This is just one of the many instances where Homeopathy has proved its efficacy in the treatment of migraine. A number of homeopathic practitioners and patients are proof that homeopathy helps relieve migraine effectively, gently and safely.

The homeopathy treatment of migraine entails a detailed study of the individual's constitution whereby a remedy that covers all aspects is prescribed. With continued treatment, patients notice a gradual reduction in the frequency of migraine attacks as well as the intensity of pain. During the course of treatment, there may be some phases when the pain increases due to some reason - patients can safely opt for painkiller medication at such times to overcome the acute pain. The aim of homeopathic treatment is also to reduce the need for and dependence on conventional painkillers for migraine.

What is Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is one of the most common forms of arthritis usually occurring after middle-age. It is a degenerative disorder that affects knees (most commonly) and hips as well as joints of the hands, feet and spine. Being progressive in nature, its treatment is mainly aimed at pain control and improving the mobility; Homeopathy can offer safe and effective treatment in terms of both of these.

Osteoarthrosis usually appears in middle age and majority of people develop these joint pains by the age of 65 years. Before the age of 55 years, the condition is more predominant in males whereas after 55, it is more common in women.

Causes of Osteoarthritis.

Degeneration of the cartilage (the cushion) between the bones (that form a joint) is the primary cause of osteoarthritis. As the degeneration progresses, the cartilage may be completely lost leading to rubbing of the bones during the joint movement. This leads to pain and the grating sensation during any movement. There can be numerous reasons why the cartilage wears off:

Homeopathic Treatment (Healing safely, gently and surely!)

At the Division of Geriatric Medicine in the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, a study clearly demonstrated that Homeopathic remedies show positive response in the treatment of Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. We have the proficiency and experience of treating osteoarthritis patients for the last many years. We have been successful in giving good relief to a large number of patients suffering from this disease and imparting a better quality of life to them. Holistic healing forms the foundation of the treatment that we provide.

Homeopathy can offer good relief to patients with Osteoarthritis especially those in the early stages of the disease. The medication can help in controlling pain as well as improving the mobility of the joints. Most patients notice a reduction in the pain and stiffness after commencing treatment and improved mobility of the joints. An overall general improvement in the health is also noted by majority of them.

Since OA is a degenerative condition, it may not be possible to reverse the changes that have already occurred at the microscopic level on the joints but it is possible to slow down the further progress of the condition. In advanced cases, palliation is all that can be offered to the patients.

What is Obesity?

As many suffer from too much as too little' thus said Christian Nestell Bovee. He indeed understood that 'too much' can also lead to suffering. Excessive and abnormal accumulation of fat presents a serious risk to health and is medically termed as Obesity

A chronic disease by nature, Obesity is increasingly becoming a global health problem that has reached epidemic proportions in the United States and other developed countries. The cost of Obesity has sky-rocketed to $147 billion annually in US alone and has increased 37% over the last decade. Besides being a threat to the economy, it has multiple serious long term consequences such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer. Obesity comes second only to tobacco as the leading cause of preventable death in US.

Obesity means your body has accumulated excessive amount fat and this is posing a risk to your health. When you consume more calories than you burn off, the body stores these excess calories as fat and you start gaining weight. Obese people are at a higher risk of developing heart disease, Type 2 Diabetes, hypertension, joint pains, etc. Obesity has attained epidemic proportions today due to faulty food habits combined with lack of physical activity

Global statistics clearly show that the disease is on rise not only in developed nations but also in developing countries. Nearly one third of all Americans today are obese. According to the WHO, in 2005, obesity globally affected at least 400 million adults. The projection was that by the year 2015 more than 700 million will be obese. Billions of dollars are spent every year to tackle with obesity and this includes costs of diet foods, diet books, diet pills, treatment of diseases associated with diabetes, etc.

Types & Causes of Obesity.

When you take consume more calories than you are able to burn off, you start gaining weight. The body stores these excess calories as fat. Over a period of time, this fat increases if there is no corrective change in the lifestyle and this contributes to obesity.

Homeopathic Treatment (Healing safely, gently and surely!)

An extract of sea kelp which has been used as a homeopathic remedy for obesity for over 100 years has now been scientifically proved to speed up the metabolic rate and burn up calories faster. This has been widely researched and accepted by the UK Medicines Control Agency (MCA) as a suitable active ingredient for oral administration in medicines. Homeopathy is indeed a holistic and the safest way to overcome obesity without any side-effects.

The homeopathic constitutional treatment of obesity takes care of underlying medical, hormonal or psychological causes of obesity and can help in preventing complications of the same. Homeopathic medicines can help you to lose weight by improving your digestion, metabolism & elimination. In addition, certain specific homeopathic medicines for weight-loss help to burn calories faster than normal.

Additionally, specialized and individualized diet plans charted out by our nutritionists ensure that you lose weight gradually without landing up with any side-effects such as nutritional deficiencies, hair loss, etc. Regular scientific monitoring is done every month to keep a check on the patient's health.

What is Premenstrual Syndrome?

Mood swings, fatigue, tender breasts, weight gain, food cravings… what runs common through these problems is that they affect some women only few days before their monthly period. Yes, this combination of emotional and physical disturbances that women experience before the monthly period is collectively termed as premenstrual syndrome (commonly known as PMS).

Premenstrual syndrome commonly affects women between their late twenties and early forties. Almost 75 to 80 % of women experience premenstrual syndrome and it is moderate to severe in almost 20 to 30% of all women. The symptoms can be sufficiently severe to interfere with some aspects of life.

A severe form of PMS is known as premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) and this affects about 2-6% women. PMDD leads to significant loss of functions due to unusually severe symptoms. Medical treatment, lifestyle changes, exercise, nutrition, and support from family and friends can help patients to deal effectively with this disorder.

Causes of PMS.

The exact cause of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) has not been understood though it has been largely attributed to the fluctuating levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. The levels of these hormones alter in preparation of the menstruation and this is a normal phenomenon. However, the alteration brings along with itself a host of symptoms that constitute the premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

Another causative factor that is proposed is the alteration of the levels of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is a chemical (neurotransmitter) that plays a crucial role in mood states. Lower levels of serotonin lead to feelings of sadness, depression, fatigue food cravings, sleep changes, etc.

Stress has also been seen to worsen certain cases of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) but it may not be likely to be the sole reason for the PMS.

Drinking alcohol and caffeinated beverages, (that can cause mood changes), taking excess of salty foods (that cause fluid retention), etc. may also worsen the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

Homeopathic Treatment (Safe and sure way to strong, healthy hair)

A randomized controlled double-blind clinical trial was conducted in the gynecology department at Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem to assess the efficacy of homeopathic treatment in premenstrual syndrome (PMS). 20 women between the ages of 20 to 40 years were a part of the study.

More than 30% improvement was seen in 90% of the patients who had received homeopathy whereas only 37.5% of people who had received placebo reported similar kind of improvement. The patients had undergone two months baseline assessment and post-intervention follow-up for 3 months was also conducted. Thus, it has been clearly demonstrated that homeopathy can significantly help women suffering from premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

One of the main advantages of the treatment is that it is without any side effects and it is non habit-forming. Patients can conclude the treatment once they remain symptom-free for a few months with continued medication. Homeopathy is strongly suggested for all cases of premenstrual syndrome(PMS).

What is Psoriasis?

To put it simply, Psoriasis is a chronic disorder that results in red, thickened patches on the skin with shedding of silvery scales. The condition may be accompanied with discomfort and/or pain.

Skin cells normally have a life cycle of about 28 days each - which means that each of these cells is shed off and another comes up in place every 28 days. Now imagine if the cells start growing very rapidly without waiting for the earlier ones to shed out. It would lead to a build up of a thick layer of cells leading to the thickening of the skin in the affected area. This results in red patches with scaling.

Psoriasis can vary in intensity from mild cases with only nuisance-value to some extremely debilitating cases. The disease can also progress to affect other areas of the body such as nails, joints, scalp, etc. A tendency to come and go periodically is commonly seen in many cases – there are phases of worsening of the symptoms (relapse) and periods when the condition spontaneously resolves (remission).

Causes of Psoriasis.

Many triggers have been identified that can initiate an attack of psoriasis. This may be in people who have never had an attack ever as well as people who suffer from the disease but are in remission. These external stressors serve as triggers for the inherited defect in immune function. They may even worsen the existing psoriasis causes and some of the common ones are:

Bacterial infection,

such as streptococcal throat infection; thrush; viral infection


this is one of the commonest triggers for the abnormal immune response that is initiated in the body.

Injury to the skin:

this could be in the form of a cut, scrape, insect bite — the phenomenon in which the skin lesions occur at the site of the trauma is called Koebner phenomenon.

Cold weather:

the onset of winters is known to cause a relapse in a large number of patients of psoriasis.

Certain medications:

those containing lithium (found in some anti-depressants); beta blockers (high blood pressure medications); hydroxychloroquine (antimalarial drug); iodides.

Environmental factors:

sunburn, chemical burns, etc.

Other Factors:

Smoking,Excessive consumption of alcohol or A reaction to a vaccine.

Homeopathic Treatment (Safe and sure way to strong, healthy hair)

A study published in the Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, a conventional medical Journal, showed that psoriasis patients experienced significant improvement in their quality of life and reduction in their psoriasis symptoms with Homeopathy. And this was without any kind of side-effects whatsoever. Of the 82 patients involved in the study that went on for 2 years, many had suffered psoriasis for as long as 15 years and had previously unsuccessfully tried conventional treatments.

We have qualified and experienced dermatologists as part of our team - they combine expert skin care with the individualized diet plan provided by our nutritionists. This, along with homeopathic remedies, helps us to give the best treatment for Psoriasis to each and every patient.

The homeopathic remedies prescribed for Psoriasis address the body at the level of immunity and gently restore the deviation back to normalcy. They help to control the further progress of the disease.

What is Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic, systemic inflammatory disorder that affects many tissues and organs, but principally attacks the joints. This disease causes inflammation of the tissues around the joints leading to joint swelling, stiffness and pain. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) can cause significant loss of function and even minor day-to-day tasks can become an effort for the patients. Being progressive in nature, in the long term, rheumatoid arthritis can lead to joint destruction, severe disability and loss of mobility.

Affecting almost 1 to 2% of the population globally and attacking women thrice as commonly as men, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is one of those conditions on which billions of dollars are spent every year for treatment as well as research. Homeopathy has good scope in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) especially in the early stages before deformities set in.

Double-blind studies have clearly shown that those patients who were prescribed homeopathy experienced better results than those who were prescribed a certain class of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (salicylates) for rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Moreover, the group that received homeopathy treatment did not experience any toxic effects as compared to the other group. Homeopaths have time and again demonstrated cases where their patients have experienced significant benefits with homeopathy treatment resulting in a better quality of life. The beauty of this holistic 'mind and body' medicine is that the remedies are so effective yet without any harmful effects as seen with conventional rheumatoid arthritis (RA) medicines. Opt for homeopathy at the earliest and experience freedom from the pain of rheumatoid arthritis!

Rheumatoid arthritis has a global prevalence and affects females three times more commonly as compared to males. It can occur at any age though in most cases, it begins between 25 to 55 years of age.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a potentially crippling disease which runs an intermittent course marked by phases of unpredictable exacerbations and spontaneous remissions. The disease primarily attacks peripheral joints which include the proximal interphalangeal joints (PIP) and metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints of the hands, wrists, shoulders, elbows, knees, ankles, and metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joints of the feet. The muscles, tendons and ligaments surrounding the joints are also affected by the disease.

Types & Causes of Rheumatoid Arthritis.

There are a number of theories which point towards various causative factors such as genetic inheritance, infectious cause, environmental factors, etc.

Homeopathic Treatment (Healing safely, gently and surely!)

Homeopathic treatment aims at offering symptomatic relief to patients of rheumatoid arthritis and correcting the altered immunity in order to control the progress of the disease. The treatment also helps in delaying the onset of complications such as deformities or disability as far as possible.

Being a holistic system of medicine that heals the body as well as mind, Homeopathy can effectively target auto-immune disorders especially those in which stress is the known trigger. Rheumatoid arthritis also belongs to the group of auto-immune disorders and there have been multitudes of patients who have reaped the benefits of this wonderful science of homeopathy.

Conventional treatment for rheumatoid arthritis consists of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which risk damaging the stomach lining causing bleeding ulcers, or corticosteroids that cause high blood pressure and bone brittleness amongst other side effects. Homeopathy, on the other hand, provides safe and sure solutions. It relieves pain and stiffness associated with rheumatoid arthritis as well as strengthens body immunity so that patients may live productive and pain-free lives.

What is Sinusitis?

A lingering or neglected cold / allergy can easily develop into something more difficult such as sinusitis. When you have been suffering from symptoms of a cold for longer than 8 to 10 days and experience constant stuffiness of nose, headache and pressure in your head and face, you may well be suffering from sinusitis.

Sinusitis is the term used for inflammation or infection of one of the paranasal sinuses. Sinuses can be described as small, air-filled spaces (cavities) in the skull around the nose and eyes. Thus affection of the sinuses causes pain in the region of the cheekbones and forehead besides many other symptoms such as nasal obstruction, impaired breathing, fever, etc.

You may have often heard one of your family or friends saying 'I'm having a sinus attack'. What exactly is this sinus attack or sinusitis? Let us start by first understanding what a 'sinus' is.

Sinuses are four pairs of air-filled cavities/spaces located in the skull in the region around the nose and the eyes. Being located around the nose, they are also called as paranasal sinuses. When we breathe in, air enters the sinuses through the nose and this helps to moisten and warm the air that we breathe. Mucus produced normally by the sinuses drains into the nose. The four pairs of paranasal sinuses are:

Frontal sinuses:

Located above the eyes, in the region of the eyebrows

Maxillary sinuses:

These are situated in the cheekbone area

Ethmoid sinuses :

Located between the eyes and behind the bridge of the nose

Sphenoid sinuses :

These sinuses are located at a deeper level, behind the ethmoid sinuses

Causes of Sinusitis.

Numerous factors can trigger an attack of sinusitis in any given case. The commonest thing that can trigger it is infection:

Homeopathic Treatment (Healing safely, gently and surely!)

Homeopathy has been successfully used for the treatment of sinusitis for many years now and has clearly proved its efficacy in a number of cases as well as research studies conducted on the same. Time and again, homeopaths have saved a number of patients from surgery for sinusitis.

In one of the research studies conducted on chronic sinusitis patients in Berlin, Germany, it was concluded that the patients treated with classical homeopathy showed marked health and quality of life improvements that lasted for 8 years. Even other studies conducted over a period of years and clinical experience of homeopaths has shown that homeopathy medicines provide significant relief to sinusitis patients and that too without any adverse effects.

Regular treatment with Homeopathy can improve the immunity of individuals so that they do not fall prey to recurrent attacks of sinusitis. It can help in preventing the need for frequent antibiotics, decongestants, etc. that only tend to provide temporary relief. Homeopathy may also help in avoiding the need for endoscopic sinus surgery for sinusitis as far as possible. All in all, Homeopathy is strongly suggested for all sinusitis patients and the earlier they opt for treatment, the better the results.